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It's Never Too Late to Start Singing!

Singers in Soundwaves Chorale performing at a Christmas concert

Think singing is only for the young or that you need professional training? Think again! Many believe that if you haven't been belting Broadway tunes since childhood, it's too late to start. But the truth is, #EveryoneCanSing, and it's never too late to begin. And if you've been told or just think that you're "tone-deaf" and can't sing, stay tuned for an upcoming blog post where we'll debunk that common myth!

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.

C. S. Lewis

Benefits of Starting Singing at Any Age

Starting to sing at any age comes with a host of benefits:

  • Physical benefits: Singing can increase lung capacity, improve posture and alignment, and boost overall health.

  • Mental benefits: It can relieve stress, elevate your mood, and even enhance cognitive function.

  • Social benefits: Singing helps you meet new people, build community, and expand your horizons by exploring various musical experiences and genres.

Overcoming Common Barriers

Don't let self-doubt or fear of judgment hold you back! Singing is an innate part of the human experience. Babies coo, children sing spontaneously—it's au natural!

  • No musical background needed: You don't need formal training to start singing. Everyone can find their voice with practice.

  • Busy schedules: Integrating singing into your daily routine can be simple. Sing along to the radio in the car or hum a tune while cooking. Even 10 minutes a day can improve your voice.

Real Voices: Stories of Singing Success

Three choir members singing with happy expressions

Many singers I've met through Soundwaves Chorale, church choirs, and other groups started singing later in life. Here's what they often say:

  • "Singing in choir increases my energy."

  • "I look forward to Thursday every week because it's rehearsal day. I always have so much fun and feel better afterward!"

  • "I didn't realize I could sing so high!" (or low!)

  • "I was so scared at first, but now I see how natural singing can be."

Becoming Part of a Singing Family

Singing in a group builds a sense of community. When you sing with others, you create bonds and friendships that can last a lifetime. When I think back on my most impactful choral singing experiences, the choirs always felt more like a tight-knit family than just a group of singers, and that's what my goal is with Soundwaves Chorale. Join us an experience the joy and camaraderie of group singing. We're always looking for new members to join us!

Reminder: It's Never Too Late to Start Singing!

(In case I haven't said it enough!) The benefits are endless, and the barriers are easy to overcome. Take the plunge and discover the joy of singing—you'll be glad you did!

For more information, support, or to find out if Soundwaves Chorale is the right fit for you, send me a message at



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